nytm – Page 13 – Not Your Typical Maps

Author: nytm

  • 2013-04: I am a runner, Boston is my home

    A very brief note from me today.  On April 15th, 2013, while I was breaking for lunch at a training program in beautiful Costa Rica, two bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon where my wife was volunteering.  It’s been a week now since the events, and the culprits have been caught/killed.…

  • 2013-02 – Is New England and Island?

    This dawned on me when talking with my nephews over the holidays.  At the time, I simply dismissed as trivial banter without real purpose.  Frankly I don’t even remember how it got started, but it had something to do with defining an island, and the difference between an island and a continent.  I remember immediately…

  • 2103-01: TMI

    Just a quick post for the start of the year.  At the end of 2012, I participated in both the National Geographic Genographics projects (https://genographic.nationalgeographic.com) and signed up for 23andMe.com (https://www.23andme.com).  Both of these programs test your DNA to trace your long term genealogy (National Geographic) and participate on health related research to see if…

  • 2012, the Year in review

    What better time than the year end break to take stock on the year, and comment on the good, the bad and the verdict that was 2012… The Good Boston remains a great town to live in.  Somerville (where I live), is as vibrant and dynamic as ever. There’s been quite a bite of travel…

  • Comcast/RCN… my beef with telcos – Part 1

    Sorry folks, but I need to vent… I pride myself on being a minimalist, and look to technology to help support this lifestyle (I do not buy physical books anymore, I’ve scanned all my major documents, all my old CDs have been ripped, my photos are in the process of being scanned, etc…).  I’m such…