2012, the Year in review – Not Your Typical Maps

2012, the Year in review

What better time than the year end break to take stock on the year, and comment on the good, the bad and the verdict that was 2012…

The Good

  • Boston remains a great town to live in.  Somerville (where I live), is as vibrant and dynamic as ever.
  • There’s been quite a bite of travel in my life, which is phenomenal (and how I want to spend my life).
  • I took on a couple go big projects that allowed me to play with open source software, and big-data.
  • I’ve started to form a view point on what I want to do next.
  • Our house is getting to be in good shape (massive purging of stuff in April).
  • There’s a hope for progressivism in this country which is giving more hope that the sun will continue to rise.

The Bad

  • Our political system is a complete mess, if often feels that we’ve lost values common decency and respect towards one another (even if of different political view) for the promotion of unhealthy and destructive ideologies.
  • My work needs to change.  I’m finding that increasingly I am in an administrative role… not what I love or am interested in.  My manager keeps on telling me I’m good at it.  If I’m not passionate about it, I don’t really care for it.
  • I still take too many vacations for the sake of family.
  • I was pretty badly injured at the end of 2011 (Achilles heel), and it’s taken most of the year to get back to a good running level (frequency and pace).
  • I’ve completed about 50% of my project list for the year.

The Verdict

On the whole, I would give 2012 a B-.  Not a bad year, but definitely can be better.  Looking forward to 2013.