General Information – Not Your Typical Maps

Category: General Information

  • 2013, the Year in review

    Following on what I posted for 2012… below is my year in review for 2013…  I’ll use the same format, the good, the bad, and the verdict (no ugly here). The Good I love Boston!  We had a massive set back in 2013 with the Marathon bombings, but it has given me greater resolve that…

  • 2013-05: Three Types of People

    File this on comedic observations…. I noticed that there are three kinds of people on this earth. Doorway People:  These are people that like to stand in doorways.  Standing in a doorway means that you are controlling the space that you’re in.  It means that you are blocking access to other rooms, govern the room,…

  • 2012, the Year in review

    What better time than the year end break to take stock on the year, and comment on the good, the bad and the verdict that was 2012… The Good Boston remains a great town to live in.  Somerville (where I live), is as vibrant and dynamic as ever. There’s been quite a bite of travel…

  • Gimmickry…

    Hello again, Friends! I recently came across an piece on what’s expected from the iPad 3.  I’ve made a habit not to talk about this kind of stuff, but feel significantly compelled to opine on this particular subject, not because of the topic (the new – rumored iPad 3), but because of the tone…

  • Aspirations

    It seems to me that the best way to start this journey is by telling you: a bit more about me, the focus of the content of this site, and some general guidelines that I hope to follow. I hope that you find the reading here insightful, interesting, pertaining to what you do and if…